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“One’s job, wealth and challenges all come from Allah and belong to Allah,”
"you don't simply become a Muslim, you must endure and pass the struggle!"

"Protecting With Heart" ~ Stay Safe Everyone" 2021

Bila dalam kata perbuatan tergores salah & khilaf, dengan segala kerendahan hati terucap mohon maaf setulus2nya. Selamat Menyambut Bulan Suci Ramadhan 1441 H - 2020. PLEASE FORGIVE ME, MISTAKES, SHORTCOMINGS AS we welcome ramadhan, may ALLAH give you strength in ur iman dan health, amiin.

Minggu, 31 Desember 2017

New Year's celebrations around the world.

New Year is the time, when we all want to start on a good note. It is the time when you want to wish each other that the coming year is filled with happiness, joys and loads of success. New year is a symbol of positivity. By welcoming the new year on a positive note, The new year brings with it, its own set of aspirations, hope and desires.

From world to the acehnese, here's a look at New Year's :

Tidak ada perayaan yang begitu meriah pada malam pergantian tahun baru di Banda Aceh, begitu berbeda dengan daerah lainnya. Itu wajar, menurut saya, karena di Aceh menerapkan hukum Syariat Islam dalam menjalankan roda kehidupannya. Selain dilarang oleh agama, himbuan pun dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah agar tidak ada kegiatan apapun di malam pergantian tahun.

If some people are preoccupied with pronouncing a resolution that will be realized in the new year, different from me. It does not have a life-span that I will run over the next year, but I prefer to improve things I have missed meaninglessly over the past year. Enough for me to improve myself and as much as possible to make other people happy for the next year, no more. 

Selamat Tahun Baru, dan Semoga harapan-harapan tahun lalu yang belum terlaksana atau terlewatkan di tahun ini akan terwujud kembali, Amin....


Best Regards,


Selasa, 26 Desember 2017

Remember 13 years of Tsunami Aceh

At 13 years ago, precisely December 26, 2004, Aceh's earth was swept away by the tsunami and the devastating earthquake. Hundreds of buildings were devastated,
UN WFP - Banda Aceh 2005

Mengenang Tsunami Aceh 13 Tahun Lalu.
Tsunami Aceh yang terjadi pada 26 Desember 2004 silam, tercatat dalam sejarah sebagai musibah terbesar yang pernah terjadi di dunia. Gempa berkekuatan 9,8 skala richter menyebabkan gelombang tinggi mencapai 30 meter.

13 years ago, precisely on December 26, 2004, on a sunny Sunday morning, suddenly the earth shook. Earthquake magnitude 9.1 to 9.3 SR shook the Earth's Veranda of Mecca (Aceh Province). Hundreds of thousands of lives instantly drifted, and the buildings and what they crossed were damaged by the tremendous waves.

For the people of Aceh, or who once resided in Aceh, the tsunami that devastated Aceh, is still inherent in its memories and soul, especially survivors.
File:US Navy 

Meulaboh, Sumatra, Indonesia (Jan. 10, 2005) - The debris litters the city of Meulaboh on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. Meulaboh is the site of the first Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) landing of Operation Unified Assistance. Assault Craft Unit Five (ACU-5), assigned to USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6), delivered 34,000 pounds of aid to the Tsunami stricken city. The Bonhomme Richard Expeditionary Strike Group is currently operating in the Indian Ocean off the waters of Indonesia and Thailand in support of Operation Unified Assistance, the humanitarian operation effort in the wake of the Tsunami that struck South East Asia. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's 

File: bim.scouting

Tausiah atau konselor menjadi upacara penutupan doa bersama dalam rangka peringatan ulang tahun ke 13 tsunami di Aceh.

The bloggers all, let us both take the lessons and wisdom of the event. May we all always be in the protection and blessings of God Almighty. Amen.

Sum : Tersunting

Kamis, 14 Desember 2017

Islam with my life, Islam adalah agama rahmatan lil 'alamin

Sekarang banyak kita jumpai fenomena yang sangat memprihatinkan dan menyedihkan hati. Banyak dari saudari-saudari kita yang terpesona dengan kehidupan dunia, sehingga timbul predikat ‘cewek matre’, yaitu bagi mereka yang menyukai laki-laki karena uangnya. Ada juga diantara saudari kita yang memilih laki-laki hanya karena fisiknya saja. Ada juga diantara mereka yang menyukai laki-laki hanya karena kepintarannya saja, padahal belum tentu kepintarannya itu akan menyelamatkannya, mungkin justru wanita itu yang akan dibodohi.
Sebenarnya tidak mengapa kita menetapkan kriteria – kriteria tersebut untuk calon pasangan kita, namun janganlah hal tersebut dijadikan tujuan utama, karena kriteria-kriteria itu hanya terbatas pada hal yang bersifat duniawi.
Dianjurkan untuk memilih laki-laki yang baik agama dan akhlalnya, maka bukan hanya kebahagian dunia saja yang akan kita dapatkan, tapi kebahagiaan akhirat yang kekal pun akan kita nikmati jika kita mempunyai pasangan yang bisa diajak bekerjasama dalam ketaatan kepada Allah
Memilih calon suami yang mempunyai agama dan akhlak yang baik, dengan hal tersebut ia diharapkan dapat melaksanakan kewajiban secara sempurna dalam membimbing keluarga, menunaikan hak istri, mendidik anak, serta memiliki tanggung jawab dalam menjaga kehormatan keluarga.
Rasulullah shallallahu’alaihi wa sallam bersabda, “Jika datang melamar kepadamu orang yang engkau ridho agama dan akhlaknya, maka nikahkanlah dengannya, jika kamu tidak menerimanya, niscaya akan terjadi fitnah di bumi dan kerusakan yang luas.” (HR. Tirmidzi, hasan)
Seorang laki-laki bertanya kepada Hasan bin ‘Ali, “Saya punya seorang putri, siapakah kiranya yang patut jadi suaminya ?” Hasan bin ‘Ali menjawab, “Seorang laki-laki yang bertaqwa kepada Allah, sebab jika ia senang ia akan menghormatinya, dan jika ia sedang marah, ia tidak suka zalim kepadanya.”
Penyusun :@saudmalik_
Artikel :

Sabtu, 02 Desember 2017

The Acehnese Great War Poem

Aceh is a province which was quite hard defeated by Dutch Colonist. The courage and Acehnese war spirit made Dutch overwhelmed. Every effort was applied, there were so many funds drained along with Dutch Soldiers whom died during Aceh War. The history recorded that Aceh War known as the hardest war which it took long time for Dutch to defeat Aceh.

Acehnese attacked Dutch Military

Moreover, what's the point that made Acehnese quite strong at that moment? Even Dutch and Portuguese Military were fear to Acehnese. The only answer was Hikayat Prang Sabi (read: The letter literature of war).

Hikayat Prang Sabi is a literature letter contained poems about holy war or war against colonist. The letter was always read to Acehnese, children, young men or old men. In addition, Acehnese had been always close to holy war spirit before. For that matter, it could be noted from every poem or verses which contained praises to Allah.

The effect of Hikayat Prang Sabi was incredible since it assisted a great war spirit for those who read or listen to the literature letter. In this way, after reading the Hikayat Prang Sabi the reader was ready to attack Dutch Colonist no matter what happen. A writer of "Atjeh" book called Zentgraff stated that Many Acehnese had a great courage and participated themselves into the battlefield during Aceh War right after they listen to the Hikayat Prang Sabi poem letter. Some battles in Aceh proved that Hikayat Prang Sabi had a great impact. One of the great battle was happened in Kuto Lungor where it is estimated that 300 of children and women were died during the war.

Hikayat Prang Sabi was created by Tgk Chik Pante Kulu. The literature letter which contained the nature of peace and the fight toward unjust then was read in mosques and villages. The main aim of this was to rekindle the holy war spirit to Acehnese

The most important points of the Hikayat Prang Sabi Literature is its preamble. In this part the poem informed the the purpose of the Hikayat Prang Sabi itself along with the its relationship to fight Dutch. Then, the point of Hikayat Prang Sabi contained preaises to Allah as the only god. After that the contains of Hikayat Prang Sabi contained about the call of war and huge rewards for those who decides to fight against colonist.

Hikayat Prang Sabi


BaRcA 10/06/13

Kadangkala Allah sengaja memberi kita rasa sunyi dan keseorang diri, walaupun ada banyak insan di sekeliling kita, sebab Allah nak rindu dengar kita menangis, mengadu dan bersujut kepada-Nya (02-07-2014 R.A
Coment Yang mengandung SARA - Pornografi/ DISKRIMINASI / Harassment tidak diPublikasi/ YoungerBoy -Welcome @2010