
Our unique study programmes offer fun, engaging learning for children as young as two, developing their pencil skills and inspiring their love of learning. ( Success Through Team Work / THE FUTURE IS HERE / We Care More ).

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“One’s job, wealth and challenges all come from Allah and belong to Allah,”
"you don't simply become a Muslim, you must endure and pass the struggle!"

"Protecting With Heart" ~ Stay Safe Everyone" 2021

Bila dalam kata perbuatan tergores salah & khilaf, dengan segala kerendahan hati terucap mohon maaf setulus2nya. Selamat Menyambut Bulan Suci Ramadhan 1441 H - 2020. PLEASE FORGIVE ME, MISTAKES, SHORTCOMINGS AS we welcome ramadhan, may ALLAH give you strength in ur iman dan health, amiin.

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018

Zombie Fungus Enslaves Only Its Favorite Ant Brains

Semut Zombie 

A parasitic fungus known to manipulate the brains of ants doesn't make slavelike "zombies" out of any old host.

Serangga yang dimaksud di sini adalah semut 'zombie'. Sebuah penelitian terbaru yang sudah diterbitkan di jurnal PNAS secara online, menyoroti tanda-tanda misterius yang dialami oleh semut 'zombie', semut tukang kayu tropis (Camponotus rufipes) yang mati di dedaunan hutan tropis dan dipenuhi jamur parasit seluruh tubuhnya.

Instead, the microorganism is somehow able to recognize the brains of different ant species, and releases its mind-controlling chemical cocktailonly when in its preferred host, new research shows.

Disebut semut zombie, karena seluruh tubuh semut itu kaku dipenuhi selaput putih semacam jamur. Jamur parasit harus membunuh semut di luar sarangnya agar bisa mereproduksi dan menularkan infeksi, kemudian memastikan semua anggota koloni mati. Jamur parasit ini masuk ke dalam tubuh semut hingga berujung pada kematian.

"Behavioral manipulation is such a complex [characteristic] that it only occurs when there's a very close coevolution between pathogen and host," said Charissa de Bekker, a molecular biologist at Pennsylvania State University and lead author of the new study, published in August in the journal BMC Evolutionary Biology.

"The theory is that every species of ant has its own species of fungi that it gets infected by," de Bekker told Live Science. [Mind Control: See Images of Zombie Ants]

Sum : Zombie ant

BaRcA 10/06/13

Kadangkala Allah sengaja memberi kita rasa sunyi dan keseorang diri, walaupun ada banyak insan di sekeliling kita, sebab Allah nak rindu dengar kita menangis, mengadu dan bersujut kepada-Nya (02-07-2014 R.A
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