
Our unique study programmes offer fun, engaging learning for children as young as two, developing their pencil skills and inspiring their love of learning. ( Success Through Team Work / THE FUTURE IS HERE / We Care More ).

Safety Riding and Safety First

“One’s job, wealth and challenges all come from Allah and belong to Allah,”
"you don't simply become a Muslim, you must endure and pass the struggle!"

"Protecting With Heart" ~ Stay Safe Everyone" 2021

Bila dalam kata perbuatan tergores salah & khilaf, dengan segala kerendahan hati terucap mohon maaf setulus2nya. Selamat Menyambut Bulan Suci Ramadhan 1441 H - 2020. PLEASE FORGIVE ME, MISTAKES, SHORTCOMINGS AS we welcome ramadhan, may ALLAH give you strength in ur iman dan health, amiin.

Selasa, 24 Juli 2018

Happy Children's Day

Children's Day is a day recognised to celebrate children. The day is celebrated on various calendar dates in different countries.

In Indonesia, Children's Day is celebrated on July 23. It was established as a holiday in 1984.

Anak adalah aset berharga untuk masa depan bangsa. Kalimat itu sepertinya pas untuk menggambarkan betapa pentingnya peran anak dalam suatu negara. 

Sementara itu, 20 November dipilih lantaran menjadi hari penting di mana pada tanggal tersebut pada 1959, Majelis Umum PBB mengadopsi Deklarasi Hak Anak. Di tanggal yang sama pula, yakni pada 1989, Majelis Umum PBB juga mengadopsi Konvensi tentang Hak Anak. Karena itu, sejak 1990, Hari Anak Sedunia ditetapkan sebagai peringatan setiap tahunnya.

Children’s Quotes

The nicest of Children’s Day is that you can continue celebrating this day no matter how old you are. Although if you want to celebrate in a more consistent way at your age you can share a few phrases that make us remember those years.

We cannot fashion our children after our desires, we must have them and love them as God has given them to us. – Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

BaRcA 10/06/13

Kadangkala Allah sengaja memberi kita rasa sunyi dan keseorang diri, walaupun ada banyak insan di sekeliling kita, sebab Allah nak rindu dengar kita menangis, mengadu dan bersujut kepada-Nya (02-07-2014 R.A
Coment Yang mengandung SARA - Pornografi/ DISKRIMINASI / Harassment tidak diPublikasi/ YoungerBoy -Welcome @2010