
Our unique study programmes offer fun, engaging learning for children as young as two, developing their pencil skills and inspiring their love of learning. ( Success Through Team Work / THE FUTURE IS HERE / We Care More ).

Safety Riding and Safety First

“One’s job, wealth and challenges all come from Allah and belong to Allah,”
"you don't simply become a Muslim, you must endure and pass the struggle!"

"Protecting With Heart" ~ Stay Safe Everyone" 2021

Bila dalam kata perbuatan tergores salah & khilaf, dengan segala kerendahan hati terucap mohon maaf setulus2nya. Selamat Menyambut Bulan Suci Ramadhan 1441 H - 2020. PLEASE FORGIVE ME, MISTAKES, SHORTCOMINGS AS we welcome ramadhan, may ALLAH give you strength in ur iman dan health, amiin.

Minggu, 17 Mei 2020

Bulldozer History

Sejarah perdaban Buldoser yang Dahulu Disebut bull-dose

Istilah bulldozer secara teknis mengacu pada pisau sekop yang selama bertahun-tahun orang mengenalnya dengan kendaraan yang dikombinasi dengan pisau dan traktor. Sempat diperdebatkan juga siapa yang memasang pisau ke bulldozer, mungkin dapat dikatakan perusahaan La Plante Choate.


The first bulldozer, as we now think of it, was invented by James Cummings and J. Earl McLeod in Morrowville, Kansas in 1923. They created a large, dirt-pushing blade that could attach to the front of a tractor. The tractor they used was designed for plowing fields, and had endless chain treads. Their patent for this "Attachment for Tractors" was approved in 1925.

The key features of a bulldozer are a large, front blade, and a powerful engine to make it possible to push large amounts of material. Large rubber wheels have become common, but many modern bulldozers still use the continuous chain treads. The chain treads spread out the weight of the bulldozer, which makes it easier for them to move over rough ground. Bulldozers are used all over the world to push large amounts of dirt, stones, rubble, or any other material. They are vital to work at mines, quarries, farms, and construction sites.
The large, shoveling blade of a bulldozer existed before motorized vehicles. They were originally pulled by mules or horses, and were commonly used on farms to move dirt.

Tractors with endless chain treads were invented by Benjamin Holt in 1904. These "crawler" tractors were less likely to sink in loose soil or sand.
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Benjamin Holt founded the Holt Manufacturing Company to produce tractors with treads for farming and agriculture. These vehicles were eventually nicknamed "caterpillars", and he renamed his company the Holt Caterpillar Company in 1910.

The term "to bull-dose" meant applying a lot of medicine or punishment. The use of the term gradually changed to mean using force or intimidation to get your way, or using a lot of force to push through obstacles. In the late 1800s, large-caliber pistols were nicknamed "bulldozers" because they could be used to threaten people.

sum : bull-dose

BaRcA 10/06/13

Kadangkala Allah sengaja memberi kita rasa sunyi dan keseorang diri, walaupun ada banyak insan di sekeliling kita, sebab Allah nak rindu dengar kita menangis, mengadu dan bersujut kepada-Nya (02-07-2014 R.A
Coment Yang mengandung SARA - Pornografi/ DISKRIMINASI / Harassment tidak diPublikasi/ YoungerBoy -Welcome @2010